
Argh is a small library that provides several layers of abstraction on top of argparse. You are free to use any layer that fits given task best. The layers can be mixed. It is always possible to declare a command with the highest possible (and least flexible) layer and then tune the behaviour with any of the lower layers including the native API of argparse.

Please make sure you have read the Quick Start before proceeding.

Declaring Commands

The Natural Way

If you are comfortable with the basics of Python, you already knew the natural way of declaring CLI commands with Argh before even learning about the existence of Argh.

Please read the following snippet carefully. Is there any Argh-specific API?

def my_command(
    alpha: str, beta: int = 1, *args, gamma: int, delta: bool = False
) -> list[str]:
    return [alpha, beta, args, gamma, delta]

The answer is: no. This is a completely generic Python function.

Let’s make this function available as a CLI command:

import argh

def my_command(
    alpha: str, beta: int = 1, *args, gamma: int, delta: bool = False
) -> list[str]:
    return [alpha, beta, args, gamma, delta]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    argh.dispatch_commands([my_command], old_name_mapping_policy=False)

That’s all. You don’t need to do anything else.


Note that we’re using old_name_mapping_policy=False here and in some other examples. This has to do with the recent changes in the default way Argh maps function arguments to CLI arguments. We’re currently in a transitional period.

In most cases Argh can guess what you want but there are edge cases, and the beta argument is one of them. It’s a positional argument with default value. Usually you will not need those but it’s shown here for the sake of completeness. Argh does not know how you want to treat it, so you should specify the name mapping policy explicitly. This issue will go away when BY_NAME_IF_KWONLY becomes the default policy (v.1.0 or earlier).

See NameMappingPolicy for details.

When executed as ./app.py my-command --help, such application prints:

usage: app.py my-command [-h] -g GAMMA [-d] alpha [beta] [args ...]

positional arguments:
  alpha                 -
  beta                  1
  args                  -

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g GAMMA, --gamma GAMMA
  -d, --delta           False

Now let’s take a look at how we would do it without Argh:

import argparse

def my_command(
    alpha: str, beta: int = 1, *args, gamma: int, delta: bool = False
) -> list[str]:
    return [alpha, beta, args, gamma, delta]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    subparser = parser.add_subparsers().add_parser("my-command")

    subparser.add_argument("beta", default=1, nargs="?", type=int)
    subparser.add_argument("args", nargs="*")
    subparser.add_argument("-g", "--gamma")
    subparser.add_argument("-d", "--delta", default=False, action="store_true")

    ns = parser.parse_args()

    lines = my_command(ns.alpha, ns.beta, *ns.args, gamma=ns.gamma, delta=ns.delta)

    for line in lines:

Verbose, hardly readable, requires learning the API. With Argh it’s just a single line in addition to your function.

Argh allows for more expressive and pythonic code because:

  • everything is inferred from the function signature and type annotations;

  • regular function arguments are represented as positional CLI arguments;

  • varargs (*args) are represented as a “zero or more” positional CLI argument;

  • kwonly (keyword-only arguments, see PEP 3102) are represented as named CLI arguments;

    • keyword-only arguments with a bool default value are considered flags (AKA toggles) and their presence triggers the action store_true (or store_false).

  • you can print() but you don’t have to — the return value will be printed for you; it can even be an iterable (feel free to yield too), then each element will be printed on its own line.

Hey, that’s a lot for such a simple case! But then, that’s why the API feels natural: argh does a lot of work for you.

Well, there’s nothing more elegant than a simple function. But simplicity comes at a cost in terms of flexibility. Fortunately, argh doesn’t stay in the way and offers less natural but more powerful tools.


Since v.0.31 Argh can use type annotations to infer the argument types and some other properties. This approach will eventually replace the @arg decorator.

Inferring the type

Let’s consider this example:

def increment(n: int) -> int:
    return n + 1

The n argument will be automatically converted to int.

Currently supported types are:

  • str

  • int

  • float

  • bool

Inferring choices

Use Literal to specify the choices:

from typing import Literal
import argh

def greet(name: Literal["Alice", "Bob"]) -> str:
    return f"Hello, {name}!"


Let’s explore this CLI:

$ ./greet.py foo
usage: greet.py [-h] {Alice,Bob}
greet.py: error: argument name: invalid choice: 'foo' (choose from 'Alice', 'Bob')

$ ./greet.py Alice
Hello, Alice!

Inferring nargs and nested type

Here’s another example:

def summarise(numbers: list[int]) -> int:
    return sum(numbers)


Let’s call it:

$ ./app.py 1 2 3

The list[int] hint was interpreted as nargs="+" + type=int.

Please note that this part of the API is experimental and may change in the future releases.

Documenting Your Commands

The function’s docstring is automatically included in the help message. When the script is called as ./app.py my-command --help, the docstring is displayed along with a short overview of the arguments.

In many cases it’s a good idea do add extra documentation per argument. Extended argument declaration can be helpful in that case.

Extended Argument Declaration


This section will be out of date soon. Typing hints will be used for all the cases described here including argument help.

When function signature isn’t enough to fine-tune the argument declarations, the arg decorator comes in handy:

@arg("path", help="file to load")
@arg("--input-format", help="'json' or 'yaml'")
def load_to_db(path: str, input_format: str = "json") -> None:
    data = loaders[input_format].load(path)

In this example we have declared a function with arguments path and format and then extended their declarations with help messages.

The decorator mostly mimics argparse’s add_argument. The name_or_flags argument must match function signature, that is:

  1. path and --format map to func(path) and func(format="x") respectively (short name like -f can be omitted);

  2. a name that doesn’t map to anything in function signature is not allowed.

The decorator doesn’t modify the function’s behaviour in any way.

Sometimes the function is not likely to be used other than as a CLI command and all of its arguments are duplicated with decorators. Not very DRY. In this case **kwargs can be used as follows:

@arg("number", default=0, help="the number to increment")
def increment(**kwargs) -> int:
    return kwargs["number"] + 1

In other words, if **something is in the function signature, extra arguments are allowed to be specified via decorators; they all go into that very dictionary.

Mixing **kwargs with straightforward signatures is also possible:

def cmd(foo: str, bar: int = 1, *maybe, **extra) -> ...:
    return ...


It is not recommended to mix *args with extra positional arguments declared via decorators because the results can be pretty confusing (though predictable). See argh tests for details.

Assembling Commands


Argh decorators introduce a declarative mode for defining commands. You can access the argparse API after a parser instance is created.

After the commands are declared, they should be assembled within a single argument parser. First, create the parser itself:

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

Add a couple of commands via add_commands():

argh.add_commands(parser, [load, dump])

The commands will be accessible under the related functions’ names:

$ ./app.py {load,dump}


If the application has too many commands, they can be grouped:

argh.add_commands(parser, [serve, ping], group_name="www")

The resulting CLI is as follows:

$ ./app.py www {serve,ping}

See Subparsers for the gory details.

Dispatching Commands

The last thing is to actually parse the arguments and call the relevant command (function) when our module is called as a script:

if __name__ == "__main__":

The function dispatch() uses the parser to obtain the relevant function and arguments; then it converts arguments to a form digestible by this particular function and calls it. The errors are wrapped if required (see below); the output is processed and written to stdout or a given file object. Special care is given to terminal encoding. All this can be fine-tuned, see API docs.

A set of commands can be assembled and dispatched at once with a shortcut dispatch_commands() which isn’t as flexible as the full version described above but helps reduce the code in many cases. Please refer to the API documentation for details.

Modular Application

As you can see, with argh the CLI application consists of three parts:

  1. declarations (functions and their arguments);

  2. assembling (a parser is constructed with these functions);

  3. dispatching (input → parser → function → output).

This clear separation makes a simple script just a bit more readable, but for a large application this is extremely important.

Also note that the parser is standard. It’s OK to call dispatch() on a custom subclass of argparse.ArgumentParser.

By the way, argh ships with ArghParser which integrates the assembling and dispatching functions for DRYness.

Class Methods

All kinds of class methods are supported as commands:

class Commands:
    def instance_method(self) -> None:

    def class_method(cls) -> None:

    def static_method() -> None:


Entry Points

Added in version 0.25.

The normal way is to declare commands, then assemble them into an entry point and then dispatch.

However, It is also possible to first declare an entry point and then register the commands with it right at command declaration stage.

The commands are assembled together but the parser is not created until dispatching.

To do so, use EntryPoint:

from argh import EntryPoint

app = EntryPoint("my cool app")

def foo() -> str:
    return "hello"

def bar() -> str:
    return "bye"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Single-command application

There are cases when the application performs a single task and it perfectly maps to a single command. The method above would require the user to type a command like check_mail.py check --now while check_mail.py --now would suffice. In such cases add_commands() should be replaced with set_default_command():

def main() -> int:
    return 1

argh.set_default_command(parser, main)

There’s also a nice shortcut dispatch_command(). Please refer to the API documentation for details.

Subcommands + Default Command

Added in version 0.26.

It’s possible to augment a single-command application with nested commands:

p = ArghParser()
p.add_commands([foo, bar])
p.set_default_command(foo)    # could be a `quux`

Generated help

Argparse takes care of generating nicely formatted help for commands and arguments. The usage information is displayed when user provides the switch --help. However argparse does not provide a help command.

Argh always adds the command help automatically:

  • help shellshell --help

  • help web serveweb serve --help

See also #documenting-your-commands.

Returning results

Most commands print something. The traditional straightforward way is this:

def foo() -> None:

It works just fine. However, there are cases when you would prefer a clean function with a return value instead of a side effect:

  • writing tests for the function without capturing stdout or using doctest;

  • reusing the function for some other purpose: wrapping in another CLI endpoint, exposing it via HTTP API, etc.

Good news: you can stick to the return value; Argh will redirect it to stdout for you. If it’s a string, it will be printed verbatim. If it’s a sequence, each item will be printed on its own line. This works with generators too.

The following functions are equivalent if dispatched with Argh:

def foo() -> str:

def foo() -> str:
    return "hello\nworld"

def foo() -> list:
    return ["hello", "world"]

def foo() -> list:
    yield "hello"
    yield "world"


Usually you only want to display the traceback on unexpected exceptions. If you know that something can be wrong, you’ll probably handle it this way:

def show_item(key: str) -> None:
        item = items[key]
    except KeyError as error:
        print(e)    # hide the traceback
        sys.exit(1)  # bail out (unsafe!)
        ... do something ...

This works, but the print-and-exit tasks are repetitive. Instead, you can use CommandError:

def show_item(key: str) -> str:
        item = items[key]
    except KeyError as error:
        raise CommandError(error)  # bail out, hide traceback
        ... do something ...
        return item

Argh will wrap this exception and choose the right way to display its message (depending on how dispatch() was called), then exit with exit status 1 (indicating failure).

Decorator wrap_errors() reduces the code even further:

@wrap_errors([KeyError])  # show error message, hide traceback
def show_item(key: str) -> str:
    return items[key]     # raise KeyError

Of course it should be used with care in more complex commands.

The decorator accepts a list as its first argument, so multiple commands can be specified. It also allows plugging in a preprocessor for the caught errors:

@wrap_errors(processor=lambda excinfo: "ERR: {0}".format(excinfo))
def func() -> None:
    raise CommandError("some error")

The command above will print ERR: some error.

If you want to print and exit while still indicating the command completed successfully, you can pass an optional code argument to the CommandError:

def show_item(key: str) -> str:
        item = items[key]
    except KeyError as error:
        raise CommandError(error, code=0)  # bail out, but exit with status 0
        ... do something ...
        return item

You can also pass any other code in order to exit with a specific error status.



this section is outdated. For modern instructions please refer to https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/entry_point.html

So, you’ve done with the first version of your Argh-powered app. The next step is to package it for distribution. How to tell setuptools to create a system-wide script? A simple example sums it up:

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

    name = 'myapp',
    version = '0.1',
    entry_points = {'console_scripts': ['myapp = myapp:main']},
    packages = find_packages(),
    install_requires = ['argh'],

This creates a system-wide myapp script that imports the myapp module and calls a myapp.main function.

More complex examples can be found in this contributed repository: https://github.com/illumin-us-r3v0lution/argh-examples